Morgan Jones

Growth Capital Advisory Services

MORGAN JONES and Partners has developed a solid reputation of consistently delivering innovative and creative equity capital growth solutions for small, middle-market and emerging growth public and private companies. MORGAN JONES and Partners’ trusted strategic growth capital professionals specialize in a range of industries in the Americas’, Europe and China, including: Natural Resources such as Mining and Energy, Technology; Healthcare; Transportation; Business and Financial Services; Resort, Residential and Commercial Real Property and Consumer Goods, Retail, Food Service & Hospitality.

MORGAN JONES and Partners has long standing relationships and is in alliance with recognized leading underwriters of Initial Public Offerings and Secondary and subsequent registration offerings for mergers and acquisitions in the Americas’, Europe and Asia.

MORGAN JONES and Partners has an established network of investment banking firms and underwriters offering a wide array of creative equity and securities growth capital tools ranging from, Enterprise Combination Companies, commonly referred to as Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) to Multi-Step Capital Events anchored in Private Placement Offerings and over subsequent performance based accomplishment periods exiting via a public liquidity offering. MORGAN JONES and Partners is also a leading M&A advisor with respect to enterprise combination and other related growth capital solutions having been involved in over decades of M & A professional services and M&A assignments.

MORGAN JONES and Partners offers a full range of growth capital and financial advisory services as well as a wide range of innovative structured products which are traditionally integrated with our overall research, planning, packaging and client presentation for appropriate regulated investment underwriting as well as accelerated broker / dealer activities, including:

  • Initial Public Offerings (IPO’s)
  • Follow-On/Secondary Offerings
  • Enterprise Combination Companies
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • PIPEs
  • Private Placements
  • Due Diligence Services
  • Fairness Opinions
  • Corporate Advisory
  • Corporate Restructuring

MORGAN JONES and Partners is committed to staying at the forefront of innovation and creative GROWTH CAPITAL SOLUTIONS on behalf of our small number of exclusive Clients.

If you would like to find out more about our very focused, personalized, integrated approach to using creative growth capital and public market solutions, please feel free to Contact Us;

By Appointment Only

Tower Bridge, London, UK

"Capital is too precious, too scarce, too valuable and far too important a resource for enterprise growth, to leave it in the hands of idle commissioned amateurs"

  • Special Report

    Powerpoint presentation